The obvious perfect UK sale Breitling replica choice for this list would be the best fake Navitimer, of course. While I greatly appreciate the replica Navitimer, it would not actually be my first vintage fake Breitling pick. It would actually be the stunning AAA high-quality replica Breitling Top Time ref. 810, released in 1964. It was also my pick in the article about the best Breitling replica watches from the 1960s. But what the Swiss made replica Navitimer ref. 806 and the Top Time ref. 810 from that era share is the legendary hand-wound Venus 178 column-wheel chronograph movement. This movement is well-loved and respected by vintage fake Breitling collectors. It also powered the best replica Breitling Navitimer, the AVI ref. 765 and the Premier ref. 765 amongst many other Breitling fake watches. For me, the Top Time ref. 810 is almost archetypical for how a chronograph should be designed. So this pick is as much about the movement as it is about the design.

Its 38mm size is perfect, and the dial design is one of the best out there to this day. Every element falls into place, there is not too much text, and the reverse panda configuration certainly looks the part. But my favorite detail is the 21mm lug width. On a nice leather strap, it simply looks amazing. As Mike explained in his in-depth article about the replica Breitling Top Time ref. 810, perfect UK sale fake Breitling produced Mark 1 and Mark 2 models of the ref. 810. Swiss made Breitling replica introduced the Mark 2 in 1967, featuring a different case that was slightly bigger and flatter. The biggest change, however, was the loss of its characteristic chamfered lugs, and a reduction of its lug width to 19mm. Prices can vary, starting at €4K and ranging up to €5K for pieces in good condition. Not a big price for one of the best-looking chronographs ever produced.